Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Helicopter Parents

Urban Dictionary defines a "Helicopter Parent" as:

"The bane of the dean's existence. The parent who hovers and flaps his wings while the kid lives in his shadow. Particularly prevalent at high-priced colleges, where parents feel obliged (or entitled) to intervene on issues down to the candlepower of the lightbulbs."

They got the "prevalent at high-priced colleges" part correct! Even though UofI isn't high-priced compared to Oxford. I am half way through my third week of working at the Registrar's Office, and I NEVER thought I would experience parents hovering and trying to solve their grown child's problems. 

I have had parents calling in trying to send transcripts for their child, freaking out about probation holds and even trying to register their child for classes! If your grown child needs you to manage their life - then college isn't the place for them. I had one father in particular who demanded that we stop all of our mail from going out because his son's transcript wasn't going out in priority mail and it wouldn't get to him in time to meet the deadline. 


Please let your grown child live like a real adult, and take responsibility for their own life. 

Thank you!

My mornings will be a little brighter without your prissy voicemails :)


  1. I know that I have been defined by my children (on occasion) as a helicopter mom. GEEZ!! I don't even begin to fit the bill. haha

  2. I totally agree with you....but sometimes as a parent it is extraordinarily hard to know when to intervene. That being said, the examples you gave are insane! Haha. Sometimes kids just need to "miss the deadline" to get it.

  3. I struggle with seeing that at the toddler/elementary level!
