Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Who needs botox? - I have the freezing Idaho winter. Its cold enough to freeze my face in place for at least a half hour. The down side is that the line on snot freezes along with it. ewwwww

I can't wait until it warms up and I don't have to walk to work when it is 15 degrees outside!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Monkeying Around

Today I decided to monkey around a bit and this is what happened ...

Hurray for lazy Sundays!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Has Hell Frozen Over?

Well has it? I would like to submit the follow evidence in favor of the meltdown.

Article 1:     Today Dan came up to me around noon asking what we were going to have for dinner. I replied, "whatever you're making" haha and to his dismay we had pizza. :D

And it was really good! Keep in mind the dough was already made thanks to Pillsburry - but he did have to get his fingers dirty to smoosh it in the pan. Dan hates getting his hands dirty. He learned how soft mozzarella cheese is -not ideal for shredding, and that you do in fact keep the "black fuzzy" part of a mushroom. For not "knowing how to cook" Dan sure did a good job. Love him!

Article 2:     I finally changed the clock in my car to Pacific time. I've been driving around for six months on Mountain time. I guess I'm finally accepting that I don't live in Utah anymore.

My cat must have an internal clock because after two weeks of working he knows I come home for lunch at 11:40 - and he is waiting in the window. :)

It is nice to be missed.

Okay, maybe this isn't conclusive evidence but the past week of 40 degree sunny weather in the middle of January has been nice. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Helicopter Parents

Urban Dictionary defines a "Helicopter Parent" as:

"The bane of the dean's existence. The parent who hovers and flaps his wings while the kid lives in his shadow. Particularly prevalent at high-priced colleges, where parents feel obliged (or entitled) to intervene on issues down to the candlepower of the lightbulbs."

They got the "prevalent at high-priced colleges" part correct! Even though UofI isn't high-priced compared to Oxford. I am half way through my third week of working at the Registrar's Office, and I NEVER thought I would experience parents hovering and trying to solve their grown child's problems. 

I have had parents calling in trying to send transcripts for their child, freaking out about probation holds and even trying to register their child for classes! If your grown child needs you to manage their life - then college isn't the place for them. I had one father in particular who demanded that we stop all of our mail from going out because his son's transcript wasn't going out in priority mail and it wouldn't get to him in time to meet the deadline. 


Please let your grown child live like a real adult, and take responsibility for their own life. 

Thank you!

My mornings will be a little brighter without your prissy voicemails :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Splendid Saturday!

Today has been a splendid Saturday! Not only did I sleep in until 9:30 - but my husband surprised me with a board game I've been wanting!

Ticket to Ride - Europe Edition. I was smiling like a kid on Christmas. Who gets spoiled on a semi-anniversary. Speaking of I can't believe its been six months. It feels like I was married yesterday.

Then I spent the day working on projects. (Well I did the dishes too, so it wasn't all play.) I haven't really been able to blog about my projects because they were all Christmas presents, but in a nut shell I made snuggies for my whole family in fun prints. By whole family I mean it took a 50 lb. suitcase to get them all down to Utah.  Right as I was finishing the last one for Christmas - my sewing machine needed to be oiled so badly that I didn't finish the one for Dan... but I did today!! Its only a month late..

After that was done I had the sewing itch that wouldn't go away. I needed to make something else - I hadn't sewn in so long.

So I really hope someone has a baby girl. I know a million people who are pregnant right now - someone is bound to have a baby girl.

I can't even tell you how easy they were to make. It literally took 20 mins! The are so tiny that they made my heart melt. Now I'm getting baby hungry. So someone have a baby girl and take them off my hands.

(P.S. I also got some pink satin so I can make baby ballet slippers - ahhhh I can't wait to make them!)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I stole from JoAnn's Fabrics.

Okay, not literally - but it felt like it! They put every single Simplicity pattern on sale for $0.99! Since I am poor - but am always looking for new projects (especially since I have two nieces/nephews on the way) I had to grab a few.  What started out as a "quick" run to the store to grab sewing machine oil turned into me obsessively searching through catalogs and bins to find the best patterns.  Here is what I found. 

Be jealous!

Or go get your own, the sale ends the 22nd.

Adorable right?


I love the little boy outfit with the tie!


Who doesn't love adorable bibs? I hear you can never have enough.

and.. my very favorite...

SHOES! Miniature, affordable, and adorable SHOES!

This could quite possibly be my favorite pattern ever! I am so excited to start them I can hardly stand it. I'm trying to wait until I hear the gender of said nieces/nephews.  I'll be sure to put up some pictures when I finish them!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Now & Then ..

Last night as I was scouring Netflix for something to fall asleep to, and I found a memory. 

Now and Then came out when I was six years old. Of corse I wasn't allowed to watch a PG-13 movie at the age of six, so I did what any child does when they want to break their parent's rules - I did it at a sleepover. Obviously I didn't understand any of the content of the movie that warranted the PG-13 rating. The only part I understood was the hip music.

As I watched the movie I wondered if six year old me would even recognize myself. Would I be disappointed if I knew what I've grown up to be? Not that I would change anything, but I was pretty closed-minded - isn't every kid? As I pondered these questions I had a brief moment of nostalgia for the "good' days" - back when everything was simple. The biggest concern of my day to day life was if the ice-cream man would drive down our block that day. 

If only they still sold the amazing pink baseball glove popsicle. mmmm What I would pay for one of those right now!

Monday, January 17, 2011

If you thought Golds was bad...

Then you obviously haven't been to the student gym at the U of I. Dan and I went to the gym tonight and I haven't seen so many men on the prowl since BYU. Its grouse.  But high five to working out!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Praise Saint Saturday!

Today is the start of the first weekend after starting my new job. I haven't appreciated a Saturday this much in 7 months! Who knew I'd love sleeping in until 10 so much? I am proud to report that I have been productive enough to not feel worthless, but I have managed to recharge my batteries as well. Praise Saturdays! (and three day weekends)  :)

That being said, I'd accept a volunteer to come and make dinner. Chicken noodle soup sounds so good - but I don't really want to make it. At least it is guaranteed to be better than Progresso (so nasty)!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Working Hard or Hardly Working? .. Working Hard!

Today completed day two of the new job, and its been great so far. It feels so weird to be working again. I definitely miss sleeping in until 9 everyday. I'm not going to lie, working in the Registrar's office isn't the most exciting or challenging job I've ever had, but I am loving it. If they haven't kicked me out yet, then my chances are looking good.  :)

One of my favorite parts of the job is that it is so close to our house. I literally work two and a half blocks away. There is nothing like sunshine and a stroll in 10 degrees to wake you up on your lunch hour. I'm just hoping the snow will go away soon so I can start wearing some of my cute shoes again! 

I've forgotten how little time you have when you work full time. For the past six months spending an hour or two on dinner and dessert was no big deal, now poor Dan is lucky if I make anything vs. throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. Thank God for Freschetta. So other than the fact that the house is getting exponentially messier, the dishes usually aren't done, and dinners have been downgraded - I'm loving it! 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year, New Job, New Blaaaahg

I haven't posted in a few weeks because I've been in Utah visiting family and friends. The holidays were amazing! Filled with good food, friends, and family.  The new year naturally causes a "renewal" process or resolutions for many people. My only "resolution" is to never make a resolution. They are usually overly publicized and insincere.  As chance would have it this new year has already brought new opportunities, and forced me to take a small part in all of the new year hype. 

The day after we got home form our 16 day vacation I received a phone call from the University for an interview. I interviewed the next morning and received the job offer a few hours later. The process happened so quickly that it doesn't seem real. I've been searching for a job for over six months - and in a matter of two days I went from unemployed to  .. "I have a job on Monday"

So here is to a new year, job and a new design for the blaaaahg...
