Monday, November 8, 2010


A blessing or a curse? 

For the majority of America I am assuming this is a curse. 

For me it was quite the opposite really. I was working for a company that I classified as a "sinking ship." Working crazy hours on salary and it was demanded because "in this economy you are replaceable." I had a hard time focusing on work with the thoughts of an upcoming wedding and move for Dan's law school. Being laid off was a blessing because it allowed me to still receive some income while I finished wedding plans and set off on an adventure to Idaho. 

Being unemployed after working for years is a feeling that I can only classify as weird. A wave of different emotions crash in on a regular basis. At first I loved being unemployed. I loved having the summer off of work and responsibilities to spend time relaxing and having fun with Dan. I loved the fact that I had enough money coming in to scrape by, and that I could plan a wedding in one month. I was busy with the all of the major life changes that took place in a matter of months - anyone who has ever moved out of state can understand the enormous task. I had been consistently looking and applying for jobs along the way, but I secretly hoped that none of them would call me back. Occasionally I would have some fear and anxiety about really finding a job, but because I didn't need one immediately I'd suppress those feelings and soon enough they'd go away and I was right back to enjoying my time off. 

Today a wave of ANXIETY hit like a ton of bricks. I am just starting month five of my unemployment and with the recent election that means I have about 7 weeks until I am high and dry of income, unless by some miracle congress extends the unemployment benefits - which they are proud to take away. 

The job search in Moscow, Idaho is far more challenging than I had ever imagined. The two universities are the major employers within a 70 mile radius. Getting a university to look twice at my resume has proven impossible. I found a job listing the other day for a ticket clerk at the sporting events that would start at $12/hour but REQUIRED a bachelors degree. Are you kidding me? You want me to go to school for four years to be qualified to take tickets at a football game!

I've read a few articles recently about how the unemployment rate for individuals in their 20's is much higher than the national average. This article is always quickly accompanied by articles talking about the college graduates that can't get a job even with their recent degree.

Whats a girl like me to do? No degree. Two and a half years experience in project management for software development (which is almost a foreign term in this rural community). Going to school is an option that I have explored extensively, I was even enrolled for classes this fall - but out of state tuition is crazy and money isn't easy to come by.

All I know is that I have control over a few things. Many things I cannot control at all. 

Today I'm going to get up, put my right foot in front of my left foot, take my left foot and put it in front of my right, and repeat because that is all I can do..

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, the outgoing democrats will pass that bill before they walk out of the door. Your situation is not unique. Your experience is being mirrored thousands and thousands of times all over this country. What will people do when they lose that one bit of sustenance they have? I'm pulling for you. Like you say, all you can do is keep trying.
