Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Look who was ahead of the times..

So everyone is talking about how Prince William purposed to his fiance with his mother's sapphire engagement ring.  When Princess Diana picked the sapphire ring, sales of sapphires skyrocketed. Now that the ring is back in the spotlight, many think sapphires will come "back in style"


Sapphires have always been beautiful! That is why I picked an ice-blue sapphire for my ring. Look who was ahead of the times... 



  1. i was thinking of you/the exact same thing when i was watching entertainment tonight this morning at 1am! haha.

  2. I positively adore your ring!!! I think yours is more beautiful than the ring in question. I had to laugh when they made a big deal out of the Royals' choice. I have some FB friends who live in England. It has been amusing to read their comments about the whole thing. Some are downright venomous.
