Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween - A Therapist's Favorite Holiday

Maybe I am being a bit dramatic, likely caused by the fact that I am not feeling very well today. This year especially I can't help but to be repulsed by Halloween. I have come to the conclusion that it must be a therapist's favorite holiday. Not only do death and mortality issues come creeping to the surface, but it the one night a year where every girl with daddy issues feels the need to slut it up. They are walking bull's eyes. If anyone out there wants to go into therapy - you could get an entire patient base by handing out your business cards to all of the "sexy" doctors, nurses or cops that invade society on this god-forsaken night. 

I fully support the children under the age of 12 in their Halloween endeavors. They are more than welcome to come to my door and take away left over candy from our wedding, but I can't logically find any reason as to why grown adults feel the need to dress up character or a professional that they could never amount to in real life.

If you've read this far, then bless your heart for listening to my cynical ranting for as long as you did and Happy Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. Halloween has never been one of my favorites. In fact, you could find me guilty of being a "boo humbug!" Someone at work gave me a bad time because I did not turn my office into a spook alley for the holiday. Give me a break! I quite agree with your sentiments, dear!
