Monday, August 16, 2010

First Blog!

First off I want to apologize. I am not a blogger, I have never blogged, and I think that I've read maybe three blog posts my entire life. So I'm winging this. With the recent move to Moscow, Idaho I thought that this would be a good way to stay in touch with the family. 

This past week has been an adventure to say the least. It took all of our available energy to pack up our stuff, load it into the 24 ft. moving truck, drive 15 hours at 65 mph and unload it all into our 800 sq. ft. apartment. We could have never done it without all of the help from our friends and family, especially KC and my mom so thank all of you very much!!

Once we arrived in Moscow we unloaded the cars, and took Dan's car off the trailer so that we could unload the big truck. Once we got the trailer unhooked from the truck (which is not as easy as it sounds) the moving truck started, but would not move. After a few calls to the moving company and their mechanics we got some people out here after an hour and some much needed rest (at this point we were about 30 hours with no sleep). While we were waiting Dan had the joy of jumpstarting his Harley for the first time. Good thing my mom and KC were here to help. I have never jumped anything and Dan was so nervous to damage the bike, but it fired right up with a little bit of help. The mechanics sprayed something into the engine of the moving truck and we able to finally get it to move. At this point we got it up to the apartment and the real fun began of unloading on no sleep. 

Dan has mentioned multiple times during this process his desire to sell all of our large furniture before we move again, and just purchase new furniture when we get where we are going, at this point I couldn't agree more. For being newlyweds we sure do have SO many things; a sectional, an entertainment center, two queen mattress sets, dressers, kitchen table and chairs, a motorcycle, three pedal bikes, oh yeah and two tvs - one 42 in. and the other 32 in. Good grief! That isn't even including all of the wedding presents or cookware. 

The apartment is surprising in pretty good condition. The carpets are horrible, but it is almost impossible to rent an apartment with decent carpet. All the the light are florescent and flicker for a few seconds before they turn on - not the easiest thing on the eyes in the early morning. We do have central air, however, it doesn't seem to be very efficient. We keep the windows open at night and it gets down to a nice 65 degrees, but during the day it can't keep up with the heat, so I am sitting here just after noon in an uncomfortable 81 degrees. Luckily, it should start to cool down here soon. 

I am so glad that Dan is so handy, he was able to change our shower from the worst excuse for a pressurized shower to a fire hose in less than a few minuets. Totally worth the $20 and whatever additional water we will waste from having the flow regulators removed. 

We brought my cat, Punkin, with us. That was an interesting drive, thank goodness my mom has some extra sedatives from my sister's dog. He has made himself right at home. I have moved with him a few times before and it always takes a few days for him to feel comfortable. Not here! Within a few hours he was already climbing in all of the windows and racing up and down the stairs. This morning before Dan went to his first day of orientation he sat for a good five or ten minuets just laughing at Punkin while he chased his straw and ran around the apartment. 

Overall, this has been a really good experience. Everything has found a way of just working out, and we've been so lucky. It will be interesting living so far from our friends and family, but hopefully this blog will help all of us stay in touch. We miss all of you so much already! 

Now if I could just stop procrastinating the unpacking and get registered for my classes! Wish me luck!


  1. I'll be happy to follow your blog! Welcome to the family -- both real and online! :)

  2. I bet it's nice to finally be settled. Sometimes those "Married Student Housing" units leave a bit to be desired, don't they?

    Can't wait to read all your updates! And definitely keep us posted on all of Dan's law school experiences - we'll have a lot to commiserate about!

    Let me know what email address you use for Google if you want an invite to our blog!

    - Emily (and Adam) Zentner

  3. Glad to see all is going well. :) Hope your husband acclimates as well as your cat has. Miss you guys!

  4. I'm so glad you're doing this!! I want to know how things are going but don't want to be one of those pesky mother-in-law types. This is the perfect solution! Love you guys.

  5. So happy you are going to blog! It is a great way to stay in touch, even with the cousins down south! Love you two.

  6. Very cute blog! Congratulations to you two!
